Year: 2022


Visualising is understanding the text by creating a clear image in your head.

Visualising is to help people understand the text. For eg: I read a book which say that there are 10 boy playing in the playground and 5 boys playing tags. What I get a clear read of that I will have an image showing that there are 10 boy playing in the playground and 5 boys playing tags

Visualising helps people create understand the text by creating an images in their head.

Question Answer Relationship

I learned what question answer relationship is.

First I learned what the 4 different types of question is. They are right there, think and search, author and me, and on my own. Right there is when the answer in the text is right in the text. Think and search is when the answer is in different places. Author and me is when there are clues in the text  to figer out the answer with your prio knowlage. On my own is when you only use your own prio knowlage to figer out the answer.

Next we read a story and there were 4 question to answer. One of those 4 questions go in each types of questions. When I finish putting the question and answer for each catogory I went to go check the answer with Mr Wong to see if I got the answer correct and the catogory correct. I got auther and me and on my own correct but I got right there and think and search wrong. I got the answer for right there wrong to.

I enjoyed answering the questions though it was hard. I did well on geting at least one catogory correct. I need to improve on finding out the answer for right there and think and search  because the answer is in the text and it is very confusing on which one is right there and which one is think and search.


Modes of Transport

I learned what modes of transport are.

First we had four categories which were air, land, sea, and rails. In those categories we had to categories some vehicles that go on land, air, rails, and sea. For eg: the vehicles that  go on land are vans bus and more. Before we went on to our task as a class we brainstormed about some vehicles that go on air, sea, land, and rails.

Next we had to find a picture and write what you know about it. You had to choose pictures for each category. For Air I chose hot air balloon, for Sea I chose Cruiser, for land I chose a Truck, and for rail I chose a train. When we finish writing what you know about that vehicle on a slide we had to explain about what is transportation. Transportation are vehicles to carry objects on land that carry objects or humans around the world.

I enjoyed finding the beautiful pictures. I did well on knowing some information about the vehicle i chose. I need to improve on being specific when i am explaining what transportation is.


Commanding Conversation

I completed a commanding conversation.

I chose a photo to make a conversation about. THe conversation was about 2 teenager girls who are going to have a presentation in 4 hours. There was this girl called Kate and did not write its par of the presentation but Macy has. They both started fighting about it was Macy or Kate falt that they are going to fail.

I enjoyed writing the conversation. I did well on making up the conversation. I need to improve on add more intresting conversations.

Basic Fact Boxes v2

I completed a basic fact boxes ver 2.

1 got 100/100 in 1 minute and 20 seconds.

Next time I should do subtraction ordered or addition in random.

I enjoyed writing the answer. I did well on getting all the answers correct. I need to improve on getting a better time.

Kelly Sport

Today, we practised T-ball skills.

First we got into two teams. One team was hitting the ball and had to run to the cone back and forth many times until the other team place the ball on the T

Lastly we played a game of T-ball and there were four bases. One of the bases was the home base. The other three bases are where you have to run to when the ball is still trying to be placed on the T.  In the four bases you have to run to each base until you get to the home. The other team had to catch the ball and run it to the T and they get three out. If someone catches the ball in one hit they are out.

I enjoyed playing T-ball. I need to inprove on hitting the ball. I did well on running to the T to the cone back and fourth.


I learned what a skit is.

First I came up with a brainstorm about morals. We wrote morals like Never judge a book by its cover, Stay safe online, and many more. Morals are short sentences that tells lessons. For ex: ‘Once a wolf always a wolf’ is a moral and it tell a lesson. That means, once evil is always evil. The lesson we choose is Stay safe online.

Next we wrote our plan on what to do in the movie and the script on what we are going to say. Our plan was that, while a girl was playing a game, a link came up. The girl pressed the link and got hacked. That was the plan for the moral  ‘stay safe online’.

I enjoyed coming up with the script. I did well on finding the moral. I need to improve on understanding what the morals mean.


I learned what statistics are.

First we found answered some question like what month were you born?, how many people live in your house?, can you ride a bike?, and what is everyones favourite colour.

Next I found the answer to each question for ex: The question for can you ride a bike has the answer yes or no. For no, zero people know how to ride a bike. for yes, 20 people know how to ride a bike.

Then I answer all the question in a chart. For what month you were born in Jan there is 1, in Feb there is 2, in March there is 1, in April there are 4, in May there are 1, in June there are 2, in July there are 1, in Aug there are 2, in Sep there are zero, in oct there are 1, in Nov there are 2, and in Dec there are 2.

I enjoyed knowing what statistics is. I did well on writing the chart. I need to improve on understanding what to write for the frequency.

Commanding Conversation

I completed a commanding conversation.

For commanding conversation we have to chose a picture to write a interesting conversation about what you might think is happening in the picture.

I enjoyed choosing my favorite picture. I did well on writing the conversation. I need to improve on adding puctuations.

Processed food

I learned about processed food.

First we discussed about processed food with my opinion. We discussed about it with the extended discussion cards.

Next I recorded our discussion with my group. Our question was why is processed food is good or bad. My opinion was: I think processed food is good it keeps food last longer but we should not be eating to much because it can lead to a heart disease.

I enjoyed the discusstion. I did well on answering the question. I need to improve on understanding what processed food is.