Question Answer Relationship

I learned what question answer relationship is.

First I learned what the 4 different types of question is. They are right there, think and search, author and me, and on my own. Right there is when the answer in the text is right in the text. Think and search is when the answer is in different places. Author and me is when there are clues in the text  to figer out the answer with your prio knowlage. On my own is when you only use your own prio knowlage to figer out the answer.

Next we read a story and there were 4 question to answer. One of those 4 questions go in each types of questions. When I finish putting the question and answer for each catogory I went to go check the answer with Mr Wong to see if I got the answer correct and the catogory correct. I got auther and me and on my own correct but I got right there and think and search wrong. I got the answer for right there wrong to.

I enjoyed answering the questions though it was hard. I did well on geting at least one catogory correct. I need to improve on finding out the answer for right there and think and search  because the answer is in the text and it is very confusing on which one is right there and which one is think and search.


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