Tag: Reading


I learned how to look up new words.

First we wrote what our prior knowledge about drums was. One piece of information about drums is: drums are an instrument. The information for the south pacific is: The South Pacific an ocean full with coutries like.

Next we started to find difficult words from the book called South Pacific Beats. We use word hippo and word smyth to find what it means.

Lastly we started to find synonyms and antonyms of the word. Synonyms is a word that has a similar meaning to the other word. Antonyms is the opposite of the word. We started to find or draw a picture that matched the word. We also had to write a sentence with the word in it.

I enjoyed this task because I learnt what lali and pato. I did well on finding synonyms because synonyms are another word that nearly means the same. I need to improve on finding antonyms because it is hard to find the opposite word.

Prior Knowledge

I learned about prior knowledge.

First we went through a text called South Pacific.

Next we thought about what the text will be about by looking at the cover of the book.

Lastly we we talked about prior knowledge. We had to comment what we think about the text. For example: You can drum with your hands, or with sticks, different kinds of drums.

I enjoyed this task because it makes me understand more of what I know about drums. I need to improve on my prior knowledge about South Pacific drum. I did well on my prior knowledge about drum beats.


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