Year: 2024

Howick Historical Village

For this task my class went to the Howick Historical Village to see what thing were in the past around the 1870s.

From their perspective on the day they did butter making, explored the village, and made olden day wood trolleys. For the butter they sung a rhyme while making the butter as the rhyme was made for how to make butter in the olden days. The olden days looked like a small twon village with olden day transports and enviroment.  The olden day wood trolleys were a plank of wood with wheels on the bottom. You control the trolley by using you feet to turn which is attached by a line with a wheel.

I enjoyed this task because I used my imagination on what happened on the day using a friend perspective when she went on the trip.

Sentence Structure

LI: to explore sentence structure

From this challenge I can see I have a clear understanding of simple sentence and compound sentence. I now need to focus on complex sentences. I know that a simple sentence has one independent clause that includes a noun and a verb. Eg: the cat sat on the mat. I know that compound sentence uses 2 independent clause and a conjunction/F.A.N.B.O.Y.S. For, And, Nor, But, Or, Yet, So. Eg: the cat sat on the mat and the dog sat by the fireplace. I know that a complex sentence includes a 1 independent clause and dependent clause while using an A.A.A.W.W.W.U.B.I.S. Eg: The cat sat on the mat because it was tired.

I enjoyed this activity because I improved my knowledge of the different types of sentence structure.


Simple & Compound Sentence

LI: To explore sentence structure.

For this task we explored the different types of sentence structure with room 6. Together we found how to write a simple sentence and compound sentence. The difference between a simple and compound sentence is that a simple sentence uses one idea with a verb and noun and a compound uses 2 ideas and a F.A.N.B.O.Y.S .

I found this activity interesting because this task was made by ideas from room 6.

Matariki Star design

LI: to plan design and create a class star for matariki that tells a story

For this task we designed a star with a meaning. Using paper I design many ideas for the class star. Out of 6 stars design I pick the star design above. My star design represented some of the Maori gods.

I found this activity interesting because we found may way to design the class star.

Taniwha names

For this activity I created a my name lable as a taniwha. I chose this design  because it gave me a idea of a taniwha standing its land or home. The taniwha tail is representing the Y on my name and the taniwha is ballencing itself on the e and t on my name.

In found this activity interesting because I tried to design a taniwha representing my name.


LI: To evaluate the facts and make an informed opinion.

For this activity we used a provacation to answer a question. This question was Did the punishment fit the crime. This question relates to two men who stole 96 war medals from the National Army Museum in 2007. He is serving 13 year and 3 months imprisonment.  Our perspective A say about why we think the punishment was the easy and our perspective B say about why we think the punishment is to hard.

I found this activity interesting because I looked at two different perspectives for a question.


Care Values of Treaty of Waitangi

LI: to understand why is the treaty important today in Aotearoa.

For this task we used our school care values and the Treaty of Waitangi for an opinion on who might have used our care values on the day. Our school care values are Confidence for C, Attitude for A, Respect for R, and Excellence for E. We explained what each of those care values mean. An eg of this is: Attitude means to have good behaviour with ourselves and our actions. We also wrote some opinion seeing who might show our care values during the signing. Another eg is: we think that the Maori Cheif in the picture who was signing the treaty seems confident because he look brave for standing up infront of everyone watching.

I found activity interesting because we used our opinion to see who might have used our care values during the Treaty of Waitangi.

Water Haiku Poem

LI: to identify and understand literary devices used in poetry.

For this activity we wrote a haiku poem about the water. This poem explains how our cool drinks are from the sea that somtimes causes danger and flows from the sea. THis haiku has the correct 5 syllables, 7 syllables, and 5 syllables in order.

I found this task hard because it took a long time to find a sentence with exactly 5 and 7 syllables.


Winter Haiku Poem

LI: to identify and understand literary devices used in poetry.

For this haiku task we wrote a haiku poem about winter. This poem uses 3 haikus to describe winter. In the first haiku tells how it changes for the summer season to the winter season. The second haiku explains how the weather is during that season. For the last haiku it explains how people stay warm with their jumpers and jackets and how people enjoy to play in the snow.

I found this activity interesting and joyful because I was trying to find out the correct amount of syllables for each line.

Haiku Poem

LI: to identify and understand literary devices used in poetry.

For this task we learned how to write a haiku poem. A haiku is a short Japanese peom which uses 5 syllables in the first line, 7 syllables in the middle line, and 5 syllables in the last line. This haiku is descibing about our whenua which has the tamaki river surrounding our land and it leads to the sea.

I found this task interesting because I tried to solve which syllable or words have the exact syllable.